Little Miss Myah

Little Miss Myah

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Sweet, but Always Sickly Myah :-)

So it has been awhile since I blogged. I set a goal to blog once a week, but looks like I failed. Anyway, it has been a crazy, hectic, stress-filled, and exhausting few weeks!

In the last few weeks I have been from OKC to the East Coast, back to OKC, to the West Coast, and back to OKC. I will be back to the West Coast in a week. I'm a traveling fool! Seattle and Boston are both wonderful places to have to travel to for work, but I sure missed my little family. It is hard being away from them. So I am enjoying being home for a few weeks before my next trip.

I swear I have the absolute best husband EVER! Willie is the best Dad! He loves Myah so much and takes the best care of her. This man helps me around the house, helps tons with Myah, I truly think that Willie is one-of-a-kind! I did tell Mom today that I like him 50% of the time and the other 50% of the time I would like to strangle him. Mom preceded to tell me that is normal...LOL! All joking aside, he is GREAT and I am so thankful for him.

So as I said it has really been a rough few weeks. Myah has been sick off and on for the last three weeks. She has been waking up vomiting and having diarrhea randomly. We cant figure out what is causing her to be sick one day and then fine the following few days to then get sick in the night again. We are waiting on blood tests to come back as I type. I'm just ready for my girl to be better! Willie took good care of her when I was gone but I hate being away especially when she is sick. Sooo... we are playing the waiting game now to see what might be wrong.

We also saw the specialist a week ago for Myahs torticollis. We were exploring Botox injections in her muscle as the next course of treatment. He evaluated Myah and recommended we see a specialist out of state to determine our next step. So looks like we will be making a trip to Atlanta's Children's Hospital in the coming months to discuss surgery. Myah is not making much progress in PT or from wearing the collar. We have been going at it for almost 4 months. If this is not corrected it could cause some significant issues for Myah as she gets older. We will do whatever, and travel wherever to get Myah all better!

I also have my own health issues. My doctor thinks I have high blood pressure. I may be starting meds soon. I have been having circulation issues and other symptoms. I had HBP when I was pregnant with Myah. My doctor said that it will sometimes stay around after delivery. I will manage though. Hopefully being on Weight Watchers and continuing to lose weight will help this issue too.

So, I have now caught everyone up on our recent chaos. Praying we get everything worked out with Myah very soon. It has been rough the last few weeks emotionally and physically, but Willie, Myah, and I are incredibly blessed to have each other. I am so thankful for my little family. We can and will get through anything!